Produced by ArtHouse Jersey the Playtime exhibition welcomed over 2000 visitors in June 2023, including a decent number of people who'd never been to an art show in Jersey. To capture my childhood era of the Fort Regent Leisure Centre we included a mixture of photographs, vintage objects, smells and reproductions of my dreams and memories that I made using the emerging technology of AI image synthesis. This gave us the opportunity to invite visitors to engage with issues around AI ethics, which becomes more relevant the longer I leave this up here. AI images have become ubiquitous, and also annoying, although it's a technology that we're probably stuck with and creative uses are possible. I also delivered a series of workshops to students and helped them create some simple art from their own fantasies about the leisure centre on the hill. I will include the interpretation boards as text panels if I can work out how - it was a fun challenge to write about art in a decidedly non-gallery style and make it accessible to a range of visitors. Some of this work is still for sale, please contact me if you are interested. The Lightboxes look fantastic! Prints were by Spectrum Photographic in Brighton, lightboxes by Addlux. Lion suit and vintage posters courtesy Fort Regent. Marble Madness machine kindly loaned by Tim Evans. Additional photos (as credited) courtesy of Paul Wright.

Photo by Paul Wright

Photo by Paul Wright

Photo by Paul Wright

Photo by Paul Wright, whistle blowing by Andy Horsfall